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Bupleurum conditioning liquid - menstruation has no regular

Menstruation is not regular before and after

More than 7 days before or after the menstrual cycle, and more than 2 consecutive menstrual cycles。


Mainly Chong Ren regulating qi and blood dysfunction, resulting in blood overflow disorder, mainly liver depression and kidney deficiency

Mechanism of action:

Medicinal ensemble tonifying kidney Qi, regulating solid Chongren, soothing liver and relieving depression, nourishing blood and strengthening chong, tonifying spleen and supplementing qi, nourishing blood and regulating menstrual flow。

Main ingredients:

Bupleurum: Soothing liver and raising Yang

Paeony, white art, Angelica: nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing blood and regulating menstrual cycle。It was also Cixi's favorite Sanbai soup

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